Monday, October 3, 2011

How to Be A Writer - - New York Times Best Seller List

This all important list has been around since 1942 and is published every week. What writer wouldn't want to be included on these lists!! These writers absolutely know how to be a writer.  If I know enough about them, maybe I could find out how to be a writer as well. It might be considered the holy grail of both writing and publishing. The basis for the rankings are actual sales of books - - and it serves as an often reliable source for those interested in finding good reading.

It is, however, also a tool for writers. Doing your homework on the New York Times Best Seller list can give a writer the sense of what the public finds intriguing in any number of genres. This list can also point a writer to other authors who have been successful. These writers often include advice to other authors on their personal blogs.

For writers, an awareness of the New York Times Best Seller List is helpful in understanding the trends and market for their future best seller.

The next NYT Best Seller List comes out August 7

For the Current Best Seller List - - Click Here

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